2012 Volkswagen Beetle Values

  • Type: Coupe
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Consumer Rating

The J.D. Power 100-Point Score is based on hundreds of thousands of independent and unbiased opinions of verified car owners.
J.D. Power
Out of 100

Quality & Reliability

Measures the level of defects, malfunctions, and design flaws experienced by vehicle owners. Covers the entire vehicle from engine to infotainment system. A higher rating means fewer problems.

Driving Experience

Owners' evaluation of the vehicle's design, performance, comfort, functionality, safety, and technology, comprise this rating. Newer and recently-redesigned vehicles tend to score better.


J.D. Power's forecast of depreciation (how much of its current value the vehicle will likely lose) over the next three years. Lower depreciation equals a higher rating.

Dealership Experience

Not Rated
Owners' experience with this brand's dealerships during the purchase and service process make up this rating. Key factors include customer service, dealership facilities, and the quality of work.

Best Compact Car of 2012

All J.D. Power rankings are powered by VIN verified vehicle owners. See ratings methodology.
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Owners Like

Measured owner satisfaction with 2012 Volkswagen Beetle after 90-days of ownership.
  • Quality of the interior materials
  • Vehicle acceleration
  • The vehicle's audio system

Owners Don't Like

The problems experienced by owners of the 2012 Volkswagen Beetle during the first 90-days of ownership.
  • Comfort of the 2nd row seats
  • Ease of getting in and out of the vehicle
  • Smoothness of vehicle's ride

Performance Specs

MPG City

21 - 22


29 - 31


170 - 200


5 speed, Manual, 6 speed, Automatic, 6 speed, Automatic w/manual shift, 6 speed, Manual


Gas I5, Turbocharged gas I4


Front Wheel Drive

Available Trims

2012 Volkswagen Beetle Review

Same soul. Different everything else. The 2012 Volkswagen Beetle. One look at the curves on the all-new Beetle and you can see that it’s meant to be driven. The available 200 horse power turbocharged engine with 207 pound feet of torque paired with either a six-speed manual or six-speed automatic DSG transmission with Tiptronic make this the fastest production turbocharged Beetle ever. It’s longer wider and sleeker than the previous models. Which means it looks like a sports car on the outside and it has serious room on the inside. The all-new 2012 Beetle comes with a streamlined set of buttons you can push and more bells and whistles than ever. Take the available touchscreen navigation system. With fancy Bluetooth technology in the mix you can make calls just by pressing a button and saying someone’s name and answer them just as easily. Every Beetle is designed to help you maintain control in a variety of situations and assist in avoiding collisions. That’s why they’re called active safety features. The 2012 Volkswagen Beetle. Rediscover that feeling you get when driving a Beetle.

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