How to Hook Up Sewer on a Travel Trailer

RVing is the ultimate getaway for those who want to escape the stress of everyday life and reconnect with nature. But as pleasurable as it is, there are still mundane tasks you must do. If you’re new to the past time, you may wonder how to hook up a sewer on a travel trailer. Fortunately, it’s easy to do whether you’re out for the weekend or staying someplace for the long-term.

How Often Do You Need to Clean the Tanks?

RV manufacturers have made it simple to get set up at a campground. If you’re lucky enough to have a commode, you will also need to think about managing both your gray and black water. The former comes from your faucets and showers. The latter is from your bathroom. RV parks have dumping stations where you can get rid of both.

Many campers choose to take care of this task when they leave. The frequency depends on the size of your RV and the number of campers. A couple could easily postpone it until it’s time to go home if it’s just for a few days. But if you’re staying for more than a weekend, you might have to do it during your trip.

What You Will Need

Most campers come with a sewer hose that will fit its connections. You will also need a pair of rubber or disposable latex gloves. The latter is preferable since you won’t have to worry about cleaning them when you’re done. A garden hose is necessary for tidying up afterward and rinsing anything you used. Hand sanitizer or soap is essential even though you’ve protected your hands.

Other supplies include a tank treatment solution and a sanitizing spray to take care of your gear. The task is relatively quick, so you’ll be on the road in no time.

Emptying Your Holding Tanks

You can think of the dumping station as a sewer since that is its purpose for you and the entire campground. After you bring your travel trailer to the site, put on a pair of disposable latex gloves. The black water contains harmful bacteria and pathogens.

Camping trailers come with a sewer hose that you can attach to the opening with an elbow attachment, starting with the black water tank. Alternatively, you can stick the end down into the hole. Put the cover onto the hose. Put the other end on the valve of your rig. The different holding tanks are clearly marked to make it easier. Open it up and release the contents until it’s empty.

Some RVs have built-in rinse system that you can use to ensure that the tank is clean. Otherwise, you’ll need to have a hose to follow up after the black water has drained. Fill the commode using water from the sink and flush it a few times. Keep doing it until the water comes out clear. Repeat the process with your gray water tank.

After you’ve drained both, rinse out the sewer hose before storing it. Disinfect the attachments using a mild vinegar and water solution or diluted bleach. Spray everything that you’ve touched during the draining process.

As a courtesy to other campers, take a moment to clean the site for the next RV. Dispose of your rubber gloves properly and wash your hands thoroughly. After you pull away from the site, you can double check your tank monitors to make sure they are completely empty.

Follow Up Sanitation

The next thing you need to do is to add an RV toilet treatment solution to the tank. These biodegradable products will deodorize it and take care of any waste still present. You’ll find both formaldehyde-containing and formaldehyde-free options. Some people find the smell of this chemical disagreeable. If in doubt, choose one that doesn’t contain it.

You’ll find liquid products along with pods that you can drop into the toilet to deodorize it in between trips to the dumping station.

Make sure to leave some water along with the solution in your black water tank to allow it to continue to sanitize it until your next trip. It will also break down the solid waste and make it easier to clean out the tank.

Long-Term Treatment

Some RV parks offer full hookups. They will include the basics, such as water and electricity. They will also provide a permanent sewer connection so that you needn’t go to a dumping station frequently. In essence, your camper is now your home with the necessary conveniences.

Depending on your setup, you might want to ditch the sewer hose that came with your rig and get something more durable to handle long-term use. Make sure to get one with an elbow or flexible connector for easier use and less spillage.

The process is essentially the same as the one described above. The difference is that you’re hooking it up once and letting nature take its course.

Tips for Keeping Everything Clean and Running

An old RV trick will help scrub the inside of your toilet, hands-free. It’s a quick way to wipe off the sensors in your tanks if debris has covered them. When you add the water to your black water tank, also throw in some ice in the commode with the flush valve open to drain. As you drive home, the cubes moving in the tank will take care of the rest. No fuss. No worry.

Hopefully, it’s common sense, but make sure that the hose you use to rinse your the sewer one is strictly for that purpose alone. Do not let it come into contact with potable water. And certainly, don’t use it to fill your fresh water tank. You may find it helpful to get a woven garden hose instead of vinyl one to make storage easier. After all, space is a premium in an RV.

Also, only use toilet paper specific for RV use. These products are biodegradable and will break down faster than regular tissue. They’ll resist clogging and make the dumping process quicker and easier. They will cost a bit more, but the convenience is well worth the price.

The process of how to hook up a sewer on a travel trailer is straightforward. However, first timers might want to try a dry run before the real thing. Mishaps with this task are something you want to avoid at all costs.

RVing allows you to enjoy the outdoors with the convenience of a comfy place to stay. There’s a good reason why nearly 4 million Americans take to the road in their rig. After all, spending quality quiet time with loved ones is the best vacation anyone could want.